
Showing posts from August, 2018

video plan

In the name of love Bebe Rexha Narrative Main character: teva 2nd main character: jess choreographed dance brief summary of the video: characters are in a relationship/friendship depending on what the audience interpret dance shots of teva on her own in a dance studio (some selected ones with jess in as well) that flick to shots of jess and teva in the past sharing good times. at a point in the video they have an argument (to a build up) then shows both jess and teva upset and alone. the end of the video teva opens the door to the dance studio to find jess standing in the door way. Shots: 1. 360 shot along floor, of Teva, start of dance 2. two-shot of Teva and Jess (sun set, walking in fields) 3. next part to dance, Teva, many different shots 4. Location 2 of both Teva and Jess, many shots 5. next part to dance, Teva 6. next part to dance with Jess and Teva, (teva's blindfolded and jess guides her dancing?) 7. black room shot? light shot if possible 9. both ...