News- The Political Landscape of Britain

Image result for newspaper headline for conservative partyNews- The Political Landscape of Britain

The conservative party-
Theresa May Government-
The government in charge of negotiating Brexit is a strange mix of right-wing nationalism and centrists, 'compassionate conservatism'.
The conservative party is made up of local associations which play a major role in the selection of candidates and the appointment of the party leader. This headline supports the conservative party because it is persuading the audience to vote for May which is in favour of the conservative party.

Image result for newspaper headline for UKIP

UKIP- The Independence Party-
This party has little in the way of policies, apart from Europe bashing. but is surprisingly popular with voters. In the 2015 election, UKIP obtained just one member of parliament, a sitting MP who had moved over from the conservatives. UKIP has several members in the European Parliament. This headlinte tells the audience that UKIP are on their way to triumph, to win the election.

BNP (British National Party)-
An extreme right wing party, with nationalistic and xenophobic views. No members of parliament.

Image result for newspaper headline for British national partyThe Liberal Democrats-
This party is the most pro-European of the major British parties, and until 2015 shared power with the conservative party in the coalition government. Many of those who voted for the liberal democrats in 2010 were not happy when the party chose to go into colaition with the conservatives, and in 2015 they lost most of their MPs. However, following the election of left-winger Jeremy Corbyn to the head of the Labour Party in september 2015. Jeremy Corbyn on this headline is trying to show the audience that his best interest is his country, which persuades the audience to favour the Liberal Democrats.

The Green Party-
A centre-left party, in many ways rather middle-class, committed to the promotion of environmental issues. One member of parliament (since 2010)

The Labour Party-
The Labour party covers virtually the whole spectrum of left-wing politics in Britain, and includes a smaller party known as the co-operative party. Until 2010, (since the time of Tony Blair) it had been dominated by the social-liberal centre-left (new labour)

The party of a populist left-wing labour party dissident, George Galloway, who was its sole MP until 2015.

The Communist Party Of Great Britain-
Very marginal, the party has only ever had two elected MPs. It was never a mass party, not even at its peak in the 1940s.




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