TV Drama Title Sequences
TV Drama Title Sequences
The music in the Sherlock title sequence is very crime scene modern day London, which suits the TV show, also there are no lyrics in the music, this suits the fast-paced editing of location to location of the busy streets of London. The music seems to get more tense as the sequence goes on, especially right at the end, it build up tension for the audience and prepares them for the show. As the sequence goes on the images get more extreme and dangerous, for example; at the start, the images are of London streets and the London Eye, whereas later on, a gun and blood is shown, this foreshadows the episodes to come as they are full of crime and murder. The text of the Sherlock title is all in black, sophisticated and simple. The all black may have been chosen because it is a mysterious colour, no one sees past the darkness. The colour also has connotations of danger and detective, guns, magnifying glass, Sherlock's famous coat, they're all black.
Orange is The New Black-
The music for the title sequence in this program grabs attention straight away, the music contains lyrics which are easy to remember and used with a catchy tune which therefore grabs the audiences attention from the very beginning. This is very different to any other TV show, the music and the images, the eyes of most of the prisoners of the prison in the show, it shows the different personalities of each character. Orange is a connotation, 'Orange Is The New Black' implies that orange is the new darkness and emptiness, this symbolizes the emptiness of the prison and the people in it, the title and the video may show that colours are deceiving as what may to appear as orange or colourful is in fact, black and dark. Fast-paced editing is used, the flickering between the eyes of the prisoners, to emphasize the amount of characters and personalities in the prison.
The music in the Sherlock title sequence is very crime scene modern day London, which suits the TV show, also there are no lyrics in the music, this suits the fast-paced editing of location to location of the busy streets of London. The music seems to get more tense as the sequence goes on, especially right at the end, it build up tension for the audience and prepares them for the show. As the sequence goes on the images get more extreme and dangerous, for example; at the start, the images are of London streets and the London Eye, whereas later on, a gun and blood is shown, this foreshadows the episodes to come as they are full of crime and murder. The text of the Sherlock title is all in black, sophisticated and simple. The all black may have been chosen because it is a mysterious colour, no one sees past the darkness. The colour also has connotations of danger and detective, guns, magnifying glass, Sherlock's famous coat, they're all black.
Orange is The New Black-
The music for the title sequence in this program grabs attention straight away, the music contains lyrics which are easy to remember and used with a catchy tune which therefore grabs the audiences attention from the very beginning. This is very different to any other TV show, the music and the images, the eyes of most of the prisoners of the prison in the show, it shows the different personalities of each character. Orange is a connotation, 'Orange Is The New Black' implies that orange is the new darkness and emptiness, this symbolizes the emptiness of the prison and the people in it, the title and the video may show that colours are deceiving as what may to appear as orange or colourful is in fact, black and dark. Fast-paced editing is used, the flickering between the eyes of the prisoners, to emphasize the amount of characters and personalities in the prison.
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