Textual Analysis 'Bring It On'
How does the video for the H&M campaign, 'Bring It On' promote H&M as an ethical fashion retailer? In the advert, 'Bring It On', H&M promote themselves to be an ethical brand, they use many scenes to emphasise their morals and how they help the environment by recycling clothes so they have a 'new life'. Many close-up shots are used to focus on the flaws of the clothes in the video, showing the audience that even the clothes which are unwearable could be recycled to something new. The close-ups are also used to focus on the clothes, as that is the main focus of the video, and to show the journey the clothes go through in their different 'lives' to recycling them into new ones. The scene with the fabrics turned into fibers emphasises to the audience how a small scrap of fabric can help make a new item of clothing to be re-sold. This encourages the audience to keep their unused clothes and to give them to H&M to help the environment an...