News- Analysing the language of Newspapers

Firstly, The Guardian's title is much more informative and formal than The Daily Mail's title, which is informal, humorous and could be considered offensive. The language used in the daily mail is informal and more aimed at the middle/lower classes, 'strode' this use of language shows the informality of their use of language. Even though the daily mail is right wing, they still seem to insult Theresa May, this shows that the daily mail are only really interested in selling the story to make profit and therefore do not stick to their right-wing title. Looking at the copy, The Daily Mail use smaller paragraphs and shorter sentences, which shows that they're interested mainly in grabbing the readers attention, more people would tend to read a paper with smaller key points than larger paragraphs like the guardian, which is much more important to inform the reader of the event. 'sought' is a different class of language to the daily mail, much more upper class, formal language, what would be expected in an article about Theresa May. The story is clearly much more reliable from the guardian than the daily mail, the daily mail is really biased against Theresa may and only shows one perspective, whereas the guardian has more of an equal perspective.
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