News Case Studies

Paradise Papers Story

On Monday 6th November, the main headlines covered leaked documents revealing the final details of the super rich. It outlined how many were allowed to keep money outside the UK in order to avoid paying tax.
The Guardian spent a number of days publishing a series of articles focusing on this 'paradise papers' story. The yellow colour linked all these front cover stories together.
The Guardian are a left wing broadsheet which means they were critical of the Queen. They use language such as; 'exploiting the poor' and 'controversial' because they are socialist and their ideology is that it's wrong and it is not moralistic for the rich to protect their money and become richer whilst the poor are being taxed and are losing more money. The Daily Mail's headline portrays that the Queen is the victim in all this, 'DRAGGED', which is similarly negative language but used to show a different ideology.

Media Language-
Image result for paradise papers the guardianThe Guardian is a broadsheet newspaper which, typically means there is a large amount of copy, much more than tabloid newspapers such as The Daily Mail, the layout is very clear and simplistic meaning it is easy to follow through the information in order. The yellow colour is used to not only draw the readers attention to the paper, but to show the four editions, each which decrease in the colour yellow, which may suggest that as the editions go on they become less significant stories. 'Paradise Papers' have a set logo of a sun setting, 'Paradise' suggests that the papers are luxurious and important, which may interest the audience to read them more so than the normal Guardian papers.
The front cover of this particular paper offers small additional articles on the same issue, this shows the reader that there is more evidence on the story and the reader will then be more likely to believe in their ideologies rather than others. As expected, all topics in The Guardian paper follow the same ideologies.

Media Industries- 
The Guardian follow a left-wing socialist viewpoint, which in this case shows the poor to be the victims and the rich (in general) are accused, this is emphasised by the negative language used, 'controversial', 'exploiting the poor'. Although the actions are not seen as a crime, due to who it is referring to (The Queen).

Media Audience-
The audience share the socialist viewpoint of The Guardian as they would not read it otherwise, they are critical of capitalism's unfair rules for 'global elite' therefore The Guardian supports the audiences' opinions.
-Uses and gratification theory-
The target readers of The Guardian are mainly online, this may be because the main audience that reads The Guardian seem to be middle class, who can generally afford to look online with their devices.

Media Representation-
The Guardian argue in favour of the poor as they are unsupportive of the Queen 'exploiting of the poor', they believe in the socialist viewpoint and equality in this case for the poor and the rich. The Guardian criticizes the capital establishment such as; the money, the stamps and everything with the Queens face on, this is emphasised by the coin on the front of the paper. 

The Front Cover-
The front cover is a Berliner format, the main image (Queen) is recognisable to everyone in the audience. The Guardian, just like any other newspaper have an element of bias in their stories as they have dominant ideologies.
The format of the front cover includes the logo for 'Paradise papers' in the top right hand corner, as well as the masthead. The main sight on the front cover is the yellow coin, drawing the audience into a story of significance that involves everyone. The copy and the captions are set out in a sophisticated way, which is the most suitable layout for the target audience, the difference between the tabloid and the broadsheet newspapers in this, is the tabloid newspapers have simple language so anyone can understand it, rather than a more difficult read like The Guardian.
The price of The Guardian is £2.00 which is more expensive than tabloid because there is more information and inserts in The Guardian than the tabloid papers, like the daily mail, also The Guardian have a target market of middle/upper class which would be expected to afford the £2.00 newspaper.

Link to End of Audience theory-
The copy may be an example of the 'new' media where the consumer is the producer, rather than the professionals, which is second hand information, instead of using the 'old' media ways where the information is almost always found by professionals.

Daily Mail
Image result for daily mail paradise paper story Queen draggedThe Daily Mail published this story too, although they offer different ideologies to The Guardian, The Daily mail act as though the Queen was 'dragged' implying she was forced to commit her actions, which The Guardian disagree with as they believe that the Queen was 'exploiting the poor'. The daily Mail is a tabloid newspaper and therefore has less copy than a broadsheet newspaper like The Guardian, additionally, the headline is much bolder as they generally grab the audience's attention by the headline. The Daily Mail is right-wing capitalist, the headline immediately shows their strong ideologies through the negative hyperbole used, 'Dragged'.

Media Language-
The tabloid newspaper, The Daily Mail, shows there is little copy on the page, their main focus may be different to The Guardian or general broadsheet newspapers, their focus may be on grabbing the audiences attention straight away over the other papers, however The Guardian focuses more on the copy and the information rather than the headline. The layout of the paper is targeted to the less educated audience, simplistic vocabulary and an easy read. On the front page there are other stories to read, such as the 'schoolgirl...worth £5m' and the, 'ultimate party dress diet' these stories are irrelevant to the main focus of the Queen, whereas in The Guardian the focuses of each piece of information are all related to the same topic.

Media Industries- 
The Daily Mail follow a right-wing capitalist ideology, emphasising the Queen's innocence to the story, suggesting she was forced into committing the act.

Media Audience- 
The audience who buy The Daily Mail generally have a capitalist viewpoint as they but it because their ideologies match their own. The Daily Mail have biased opinions which suit the audience as they want to read something which they can agree and relate with.

Media Representation-
The Daily Mail present the Queen as the victim on their cover, suggesting she was forced into her actions, 'dragged'. They do not mention the poor like The Guardian as they are attempting to persuade the audience that it was unintentional for the Queen to commit those acts.

The Front Cover-


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