Marketing Fashion
H&M Marketing Campaign: #covered #uncovered
"Originating from Sweden, H&M offers fashion and quality at the best prices. It understands the modern, digital demand from consumers. Most of its new collections will stimulate a new campaign and be promoted on all social media platforms."
#covered #uncovered was an advertising campaign used at the Superbowl final in 2014. Before the air of the actual Superbowl advert, H&M made a grand prize giveaway on Facebook and in stores for a chance to meet David Beckham (the model for H&M's body wear line). H&M engaged with the audience through the twitter campaign by letting the audience decide which version of the commercial will air real time through the hashtags '#covered' '#uncovered'.
H&M market their clothes using posters, the appeal of this poster is the price, the price is low and therefore used to entice the reader. The price of the coat is the main talk of the photo and put in a large font to attract the reader. The model is an attractive women, who seems to be wearing the coat alone with some heels, this may be used to show to the women in the audience that they can look just like the model. Additionally, the effect of the model only wearing the coat shows the audience that the coat may have some sort of sex appeal. Furthermore, the coat may be the only thing the model is wearing so there is no other diverted attention placed on any other clothing item, it is the coat or nothing. 'Coat' is used on the poster for simplistic reasons, making the selling easier, one choice, one coat, one price.
Topshop Marketing Campaign: #LIVETRENDS
During the 2015 London fashion week, Topshop made a collaboration with twitter and launched the #LIVETRENDS real-time campaign where billboards were set up in major UK cities, each near a Topshop store. Then from front row fashion tweets, Topshop decides which styles are the most popular/ have the most trends and recommends collections available in stores for customers to purchase right away. For the first time, customers were inspired to shop by real-time data collected by the brand.

Topshop markets their clothes through their posters as well as other ways. The model in this photo is posing in a relaxed way with the reflection of the beach, implying to the audience that their brand is luxurious just like the place in the picture and if you buy their products you can be just like the model. The person in the picture could be modelling different items from Topshop, the belt, the dress and the jewelry, expanding the appeal of the poster because even if the audience doesn't like the dress, they may like the belt or the jewelry and vise versa.
Nike Marketing Campaign: #NIKEPHOTOiD
Nike is one of the most followed brands on Instagram, having over 10 million followers, already understanding the profitability of launching a campaign on the platform. The #NICKEPHOTOiD campaign is arguably one of the most successful campaigns on Instagram. Encouraging followers to customize their trainers and share photos to show how personalized their products are. In 2013 Nike designed a micro-site that allows customers to customize their runners according to their Instagram photos. The resulting product will subsequently be shared across all social media platforms.
Nike promote their brand and clothing through posters as well as many other brands. The word, 'rise' is firstly used to show the audience that if yo buy their clothes or shoes you can "rise". In the picture the model is off the floor which emphasises the 'rise' caption and may even motivate the audience to 'rise' with him. The clothing that the model wears in the poster has a large Nike tick on it, promoting their brand even further and to emphasise that Nike is a big label.
Fairtrade clothing brand:
Fairtrade clothing brands such as 'Komodo' below have transparency in their business as they have nothing to hide because their clothes are fairtrade. The komodo brand is very sophisticated and targeting the middle aged fashion. 'green by nature' shows they're all fairtrade clothes and makes the brand more appealing to the audience as they know they are not harming anything or anyone with the clothes they buy.

#covered #uncovered was an advertising campaign used at the Superbowl final in 2014. Before the air of the actual Superbowl advert, H&M made a grand prize giveaway on Facebook and in stores for a chance to meet David Beckham (the model for H&M's body wear line). H&M engaged with the audience through the twitter campaign by letting the audience decide which version of the commercial will air real time through the hashtags '#covered' '#uncovered'.
H&M market their clothes using posters, the appeal of this poster is the price, the price is low and therefore used to entice the reader. The price of the coat is the main talk of the photo and put in a large font to attract the reader. The model is an attractive women, who seems to be wearing the coat alone with some heels, this may be used to show to the women in the audience that they can look just like the model. Additionally, the effect of the model only wearing the coat shows the audience that the coat may have some sort of sex appeal. Furthermore, the coat may be the only thing the model is wearing so there is no other diverted attention placed on any other clothing item, it is the coat or nothing. 'Coat' is used on the poster for simplistic reasons, making the selling easier, one choice, one coat, one price.
Topshop Marketing Campaign: #LIVETRENDS

Topshop markets their clothes through their posters as well as other ways. The model in this photo is posing in a relaxed way with the reflection of the beach, implying to the audience that their brand is luxurious just like the place in the picture and if you buy their products you can be just like the model. The person in the picture could be modelling different items from Topshop, the belt, the dress and the jewelry, expanding the appeal of the poster because even if the audience doesn't like the dress, they may like the belt or the jewelry and vise versa.
Nike Marketing Campaign: #NIKEPHOTOiD

Fairtrade clothing brand:
Fairtrade clothing brands such as 'Komodo' below have transparency in their business as they have nothing to hide because their clothes are fairtrade. The komodo brand is very sophisticated and targeting the middle aged fashion. 'green by nature' shows they're all fairtrade clothes and makes the brand more appealing to the audience as they know they are not harming anything or anyone with the clothes they buy.
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