Stranger Things:Industry
Who is the owner of the product?
Netflix Who are they? How are they structured as a company? Do they own any other companies or are they owned by another company or conglomerate?
Netflix is an online streaming service that is worked through subscription. It originally started as DVD rentals but expanded in 2007 to online streaming. Netflix, Inc. is an American media-services provider headquartered in Los Gatos, California, founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in Scotts Valley, California.
Are they a specialised company? What other similar products do they/have they produced? How successful are they?
As of January 2019, Netflix had over 139 million paid subscribers worldwide, including 58.49 million in the US, and over 148 million subscribers in total. By January 2016, Netflix series operated in more than 190 countries
How are they funded? Where does the company’s funding come from?
The money from the subscribers pay for Netflix. However, the company is in a lot of debt as they loan a lot of money to make their content. As of September 2017 they were left with $21.9 billion in debt. Are they vertically or horizontally integrated?
Netflix is vertically integrated. It cannot be horizontally integrated as it does not own any companies and is not owned by anyone else.
How have they diversified?
Netflix has implemented a different corporate diversification strategy that involves producing their own content in order to save on licensing fees and provide content that their subscribers want.
What aspects of the production, distribution and circulation processes do they own?
Netflix originals are produced, distributed and circulated by Netflix itself. Whereas, the other content they provide is already produced and distributed, resulting in Netflix furter distributing the content to those who have not already had access to it, as well as circulating it further. How do they ensure their product is distributed and circulated?
release, re-release How does this help with funding their products?
They should get money for advertising films and shows from other companiesHow does this help to reach and maintain audiences?
There is constant change of content that may appeal to different people, more content for everyoneHow do they reach their audience?
Because video streaming services such as Netflix deliver programming “on demand” via the internet, viewers can choose what and when to watch instead of watching “what’s on.” So where a traditional channel’s task is to develop a schedule, the key task of a portal is cultivating a library of programs.This leads to different business strategies that, in turn, lead to different programs. Making the appeal of Netflix stronger than normal television
How many viewers have there been for the drama and/or the first episode of the first season?Episode 1 of the new season averaged a whopping 15.8 million viewers with approximately 11 million in the key demo, also within the first three days. And for the true bingers out there, 361,000 people watched all nine episodes of the season within the first 24 hours of its release.
Netflix Who are they? How are they structured as a company? Do they own any other companies or are they owned by another company or conglomerate?
Netflix is an online streaming service that is worked through subscription. It originally started as DVD rentals but expanded in 2007 to online streaming. Netflix, Inc. is an American media-services provider headquartered in Los Gatos, California, founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in Scotts Valley, California.
Are they a specialised company? What other similar products do they/have they produced? How successful are they?
As of January 2019, Netflix had over 139 million paid subscribers worldwide, including 58.49 million in the US, and over 148 million subscribers in total. By January 2016, Netflix series operated in more than 190 countries
How are they funded? Where does the company’s funding come from?
The money from the subscribers pay for Netflix. However, the company is in a lot of debt as they loan a lot of money to make their content. As of September 2017 they were left with $21.9 billion in debt. Are they vertically or horizontally integrated?
Netflix is vertically integrated. It cannot be horizontally integrated as it does not own any companies and is not owned by anyone else.
How have they diversified?
Netflix has implemented a different corporate diversification strategy that involves producing their own content in order to save on licensing fees and provide content that their subscribers want.
What aspects of the production, distribution and circulation processes do they own?
Netflix originals are produced, distributed and circulated by Netflix itself. Whereas, the other content they provide is already produced and distributed, resulting in Netflix furter distributing the content to those who have not already had access to it, as well as circulating it further. How do they ensure their product is distributed and circulated?
release, re-release How does this help with funding their products?
They should get money for advertising films and shows from other companiesHow does this help to reach and maintain audiences?
There is constant change of content that may appeal to different people, more content for everyoneHow do they reach their audience?
Because video streaming services such as Netflix deliver programming “on demand” via the internet, viewers can choose what and when to watch instead of watching “what’s on.” So where a traditional channel’s task is to develop a schedule, the key task of a portal is cultivating a library of programs.This leads to different business strategies that, in turn, lead to different programs. Making the appeal of Netflix stronger than normal television
How many viewers have there been for the drama and/or the first episode of the first season?Episode 1 of the new season averaged a whopping 15.8 million viewers with approximately 11 million in the key demo, also within the first three days. And for the true bingers out there, 361,000 people watched all nine episodes of the season within the first 24 hours of its release.
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